Some of my tracks
About Me

Hi, I'm Sven aka "Der Technomacher"...

Some of you might know me as "Al Bongo", which is the artist name that I'm using to publish some of my more chilled tunes. I created "Der Technomacher" so that I wouldn't shock listeners by mixing techno into their melodic chilled house playlists :).

Anyway, music production is a huge passion of mine, I'd even say it's an addiction. I grew up in a very small town in Germany. When I was a child, my grandfather used to play in a band and my parents were quite eager for him to teach me playing the piano. So I learned playing my first instrument as well as some basic music theory.

A few years ago, I moved from Germany to Australia. I remember one night, I was watching various Youtube music videos and I somehow stumbled upon a music production tutorial. I was instantly mesmerised. To me, the idea that you could combine simple wave forms into a complex and beautifully sounding electronic music track was just mind-blowing. I just couldn't stop and kept learning more and more topics around music production, sound design, mixing and mastering.

It has now been a few years since I started producing and my fascination for music production has only grown. I love the idea of making people happy by giving them a soundtrack to their daily lives in the form of house and techno tracks.